
Why do we do what we do?

Our experience has taught us that we simply “click” with some people – we finish each other’s sentences, so to say – while with others, we simply don’t! We try, and try, and try again and we are convinced that we have tried everything, but we still cannot get the other person to understand us, and we don’t seem to understand them.

We believe that we (all human beings) have the right to outstanding relationships: with our friends, loved ones, business partners, customers, suppliers, co-workers and even bosses and managers.

We also believe that our very best (performance, knowledge, skills) can always be improved.

How do we do what we do?

We approach each organization, team, individual, challenge, problem or situation with respect, love and passion for both, our customers as well as the work we do.  In our work we also always take into account the vulnerability at stake.

We believe in the saying ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’. We find procedures, practices and patterns that work and, in an attempt to improve our very best (performance, knowledge, skills), we work on improving and upgrading the parts that seem to be broken or that are close to braking.

So, what exactly do we do?

We find the answers as to why we don’t “click” with certain people.

We help you “click” with your “un-clickable” co-workers, customers or bosses. And everybody else.

We support individuals and organizations on their paths to improving their relationships, efficiency, collaborations, achieve better results, enhance their efforts and lift their spirits.

We offer workshops, seminars, training and coaching courses, as well as consultancy in the fields of sales, leadership, communication & relationships. We can also show you how to deliver motivational speeches for a variety of audiences.

Do you want to experience this for yourself?

Get in touch with us for a coffee, a chat or a nice glass or wine and let’s see if we “click”.

Words from our clients

Workshops and training

Did you know that 95% of people prefer to learn by immediately using their newly acquired knowledge in practise?


OUR WORKSHOPS are interactive and demand active participation. The participants test the acquired knowledge through practical assignments in pairs, small groups or individually. Our goal is to improve your results, skills and knowledge.


In TRAINING we upgrade your skills in a safe environment. We design tasks so that they are as close to the challenges you find at work as possible.

One on one work

ONE ON ONE WORK is the most up to the point approach available. The trainer works closely alongside you as you work on your day-to-day work challenges and/or in individual sessions. The trainer can adapt to your needs and knowledge completely and will use approaches and techniques that will be optimally set to get the results you desire. We use neuro-linguistic programming and neuro-associative conditioning in combination with counselling, facilitating and coaching.

happy customers in 6 countries

Client list



  • Adria Airways
  • AmCham Slovenija
  • arx anima
  • Atlantik Grupa


  • CREDEM (v sodelovanju s Fluxus hr)
  • CPU Center za poslovno usposabljanje


  • Dale Carnegie Italia
  • Dedalus center za razvoj vodilnih osebnosti in skupin
  • DEOS
  • DISS
  • Dom upokojencev Idrija
  • Dhimahi
  • Društvo distrofikov Slovenije


  • Elektrospoji
  • Ekipa 2 (del skupine Outfit 7)
  • Essilor Adriatic


  • Filozofska fakulteta – Ljubljana
  • Fluxus hr


  • Gorenjska banka


  • Hewlett-Packard


  • Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (v sodelovanju s Fluxus hr)
  • ITG Srbija
  • ITG Makedonija


  • JZ Lekarna Ljubljana


  • Kovinoplastika


  • Lestroj
  • Lek
  • Login5 Foundation
  • L’Oreal (v sodelovanju z Marvel Eastern Europe BV)


  • Maboles
  • Moje delo
  • Ministrstvo za javno upravo


  • Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica


  • Onkološki inštitut
  • Očesni center Preskar
  • Outfit7


  • Pošta Slovenije
  • Petrol (v sodelovanju s Tribal Consulting)
  • Pušnik Novljan: Center za obrazno zdravje


  • Radijska postaja: RADIO 1
  • Razvojna agencija Zgornje Gorenjske: Ragor
  • Rokus Klett
  • RRC Računalniške storitve


  • Safilo (v sodelovanju z Dale Carnegie Italia)
  • SRC Infonet
  • Splošna bolnišnica Izola
  • Splošna bolnišnica Murska Sobota


  • TBA – Teambuilding academy
  • Tekstina
  • Telekom Srbija
  • Tipteh
  • TNT
  • Tobačna Grosist
  • Tobačna Ljubljana
  • 3DVA
  • Tribal Consulting


  • Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor


  • Zepter
  • Založba Forum Media
  • Zavarovalnica Vzajemna
  • Zdravstveni dom Idrija
  • Zdravstveni dom Lendava
  • Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije
  • Združenje zdravstvenih zavodov Slovenije
  • Zveza društev – Slovensko zdravniško društvo